I was randomly searching Google to find an appropriate display name for my blog and i finally found this beautiful name 'EYASHA'
More than the name i thought the picture of this Goddess of Peace and Harmony was pulchritudinous.Most of the people would name their blogs reflecting their own characteristics but somehow this whole aura around this goddess appealed to me to such an extent that i chose this as my Blog name.
So iam posting an article i read online about this totally mesmerising beauty.
Goddess of the Peace and Unity, of Harmony, Tranquility and Contentment. Furthermore She is known as the Goddess of Friendship, Hearth and Hospitality, representing the patron saint for all innkeepers throughout Santharian lands. In older texts She is also often refered to as the "Uniter" or - maybe surprisingly here - even as the "Sleeper", who makes differences forgotten by reminding the beings of their transitory nature by letting them take part in an universal view on things. Nevertheless, Eyasha should not be taken for the elven High Goddess, Avá the Beautiful, the "Dreamer", the source of all things existing as the elves believe.
Picture description: Eyasha, Goddes of Peace, Harmony and Contentment. Image drawn by Enayla.
Eyasha is one of the Twelve Gods or High Spirits (Aeolía) who sprang from the Dream of Avá the Beautiful according to the elven myth as related in the Cárpa'dosía. Together with Grothar (God of Weather) and Nehtor (God of Healing) Eyasha is one of the three Gods dedicated to the element of Wind. The sixth month of the Santharian Calendar, the Month of the Rising Sun (elvish: Dál'Injèrá) is dedicated to Eyasha solely.Mythology. As Eyasha was among the first three Gods who sprang from the Thoughts of Avá and is of the element of Wind She is very close to the High Goddess. Thus She retained the idea of the One that all things existing should be shining from their inner beauty and that harmony was the way all creatures and things throughout the world should seek. This was what Eyasha from the Beginning of Time tried to put into the hearts of the Children and even as Urtengor shaped the lands She worked with him on the Gardens of Bliss - until the other Gods, mainly Etherus and Queprur, joined their powers in order to corrupt these achievements. Since this time Eyasha's intentions are to undo the deeds of these two opponents, though She would never confront them Herself. Eyasha's ways are soft and tender, decent and subdued to the becoming of time, while Etherus' and Queprur's actions often are instant and destructive.However, Eyasha's main foe is the main God of Earth, Armeros, Master of Battles and Lover of War, who taught all things living the contradictions of the elements and their duty in reality to fight the celestial ideas of harmony and balance openly. To deal with Armeros, the most powerful of all Gods, Eyasha is said to have befriended Arvins, the God of the Hunt, who knows the necessity of death succeeding life, but also of life succeeding death, in the renewal of the circle of being.Importance. Eyasha is one of the most common Gods one will encounter in various places throughout Santharia, and She is worshipped by the elves as well as the humans as one of the most important Gods in both races pantheon, and so Eyasha is very often mentioned as the first Goddess in many common prayers. While elves see Her as the main force in order to re-establish the cosomological peace (an impossible but necessary task as the elves interpret Her role), humans see in Eyasha mainly the Goddess of Hearth and Hospitality. At most inns and taverns you'll find dried clover-shaped trinity herbs, the sign of Eyasha, near the entrance. This should on the one hand bless the inn and it's residents and on the other hand show all passers-by that they are always welcomed.Another gesture towards the Goddess is the fact that all hearths which can be found in public buildings are consecrated to Her. At Eyasha's Day on the last day of the Month of the Rising Sun people are used to light a fire in every private home for the Goddess. They finally kindle a candle with this fire, and try to keep the flame alight for at least a fortnight by kindling new candles day by day. If the sacred flame goes out during these days it is said that the winds of Eyasha were forced by Armeros and that what happened to the flame will happen during the next year within the family where the flame was harboured.The biggest temple of Eyasha is located in the town of Caelum, at the Bay of Skies near Ximax. It is often visited by travellers on their way to or from the town of mages, because a huge inn is attached to it, the "Weary Traveller".Symbols/Colors. The symbolic animal of the God of the Peace is the dove and her typical plant is the already mentioned trinity herb. Both are white in color, which is also the color of peace. The trinity is a shade-loving plant with tri-furcated leaves and tiny bell-shaped white flowers, which are often used to decorate homes at celebration days. The trinity also serves several healing purposes.
Prayers. Among the prayers worshipping Eyasha, the Goddess of Peace and Contentment, is the following:
QUIET NIGHT by Lucirina Telor Vevan
Quiet night,
I feel you,
Close to my heart, silent.
Hidden are you,
In the darkness,
Yet your hand is resting on mine.
Calm is the dark,
Wind is sleeping,
Yet I know you are with me,
Guiding from chaos,
And fear.
Your voice soft in my soul.
Soothing touch.
You give me.
Beauty at sleep.
Softly smiling,
In your dreams,
You teach me contentment.
Willow whisper
Your name in the night.
As you watch,
And care,
For us, your children.
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